Philosophers ask difficult questions about issues that are central to human existence:
What is a meaningful life?
What is the relationship between mind and body? How can one distinguish between right and wrong actions? Are there reasons to think that God exists? By studying philosophy, you’ll meet and converse with some of the greatest minds of history.
Undergraduate Degree Programs
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
In this program, you'll learn to think critically, read carefully, and analyze arguments-- in short, you’ll acquire the skills to make a living. But, more importantly, you’ll learn what makes life worth living. The Philosophy Department offers the two following tracks:
The Philosophy Department offers two minors: Philosophy and Philosophy Pre-Law.
See what our faculty and students are accomplishing

Philosophy Professor Becomes Editor-in-Chief of Journal Highlighting Undergraduate Research
Joel MacClellan, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, has taken over as Editor-in-Chief of the Animal & Society Institute's Sloth: Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies, the top HAS undergraduate journal.

Philosophy and History Double Major Wins Prestigious Fulbright Award
Philosophy and History double major, Political Science minor Thanh Mai has won a Fulbright award at the Universiteit Hasselt in Belgium during the 2018-2019 academic year. After she completes her time in Belgium, she will begin graduate work in philosophy at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Congratulations, Thanh!

Philosophy Professor Presents Paper on “Privatizing Criminal Punishment”
Associate Professor of Philosophy Jonathan Peterson presented his paper “Privatizing Criminal Punishment” at the American Section of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy at Boston University on August 17, 2018.